Full ExampleΒΆ

A full example follows.


#%RAML 0.8
# ./example.raml
title: example API
mediaType: application/json
protocols: [HTTP]

        description: Get users
        description: Create a new user
                schema: !include schemas/user.json
                example: { "username": "marcy" }

            description: Get user by username

# ...
# in tests/test_api.py:
import ra
import pytest

api = ra.api('example.raml', app='config:test.ini')

def clear_database(request, req, app, examples):
    # Remember:
    # - ``req`` is the pre-bound Ra request for the current test
    # - ``request`` is a built-in pytest fixture that holds info about
    #   the current test context
    # - ``app`` is the webtest-wrapped application
    # - ``examples`` is a fixture providing the examples factory manager
    #   for generating data based on RAML ``example`` properties.
    import example_app

    # login for authentication
    app.post('/login', { 'login': 'system', 'password': '123456' })

    if req.match(exclude='POST /users'):
        # Before any test, except for the one that creates a user,
        # we should create the user first.
        # Passing 'user' to ``examples.build()``
        # means to use the example defined for ``POST /users``
        marcy = examples.build('user') # returns a dict

    def fin():
        app.reset() # clear cookies; logout

# defining a resource scope:

def users_resource(users):

    # scope-local pytest fixtures
    # a resource scope acts just like a regular module scope
    # with respect to pytest fixtures:

    def two_hundred():
        return 200

    # defining tests for methods in this resource:

    def get(req, two_hundred):
        # ``req`` is a callable request object that is pre-bound to the app
        # that was passed into ``ra.api`` as well as the URI derived from
        # the resource (test scope) and method (test) decorators.
        # This example uses the other scope-local fixture defined above.
        response = req()
        assert response.status_code == two_hundred

    def post_using_example(req):
        # By default, when JSON data needs to be sent in the request body,
        # Ra will look for an ``example`` property in the RAML definition
        # of the resource method's body and use that.
        # As in WebTest request methods, you can specify the expected
        # status code(s), which will be test the response status.
        req(status=(201, 409))

    # defining a custom user factory; underscored functions are not
    # considered tests (but better to import factories from another module)
    def _user_factory():
        import string
        import random
        name = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(10))
        email = "{}@example.com".format(name)
        return dict(username=name, email=email, password=name)

    # using the factory:

    def post_using_factory(req):
        response = req()
        username = req.data['username']
        assert username in response

    # defining a sub-resource:

    def user_resource(user):

        # this resource will be requested at /users/{username}
        # By default, Ra will look at the ``example`` property for
        # URI parameters as defined in the RAML, and fill the URI
        # template with that.

        def get(req):
            # This is equivalent to the autotest for a resource
            # and method:

api.autotest() # autotests will be generated